My Journey

A passionate teacher's journey to bring a Forest School to fruition.

Sunday, 15 February 2015


Being a teacher means time can be a problem, which has meant my Forest School work has been pushed to the side... until now.

My husband and son have thoughtfully given me some much needed time to immerse myself in my research.

Reading back through all my notes has taken me back to the initial week at Birches Valley and everything is flooding back to me. Despite collecting books on trees and knots, and my husband buying me some FS kit for Christmas, I've not managed to explore - before today.

A strange buzz of excitement as I have been reading up of woodland maintenance, (not one to admit to friends) has given me energy and has got me back on track. The research has made me decide to add any links to my blog that I use in my research, as a central reference point and to later share with Becky.

Thinking about gaining extra experience I've emailed three different people to request being able to participate in one of their sessions - again time being an issue I'm planning on using some of half term to squeeze this in.

A successful day. Sparks of a dragon sneeze are visible once more!

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